Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Term 3 in Room10

Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Bonjour, Cher bro! This has been a great term for Room 10 we have done Sex Ed (sexuality education) learnt about puberty and all the changes you go through, don’t worry the girls and boys split up into different classes for these lessons!

Another thing we have been focusing on this term is Science. At the start of the term we were studying candles, burning and matter. Did you know that if you put a glass jar over a burning candle it will run out of oxygen and will eventually go out. Why you may ask? well candles (well anything really) need 3 things to produce a flame those things are: Heat, Oxygen, and Fuel. The heat is the lighter or match, the oxygen, well its everywhere, we would be dead without it, and the fuel is the wax.

 Room 10 were lucky enough to have had a student teacher, Mrs Harpur join us for four weeks. She’s strict when you misbehave, but very kind otherwise. Mrs Harpur has been teaching us about onomatopoeia which is when the word is nothing more than the sound that it makes. For example screech.
 She has been taking science and now we know the key features of a spider or insect and we have been outside finding creatures and examining them finding their group: either insects or spiders or another things.

 Each term we have interclass sports, this term we had netball. We had some very tough competition but Room ten have a very good bunch of netball girls so we got into the final against room 18! It was a great game and ended up with a result of a tie which meant we have to share the trophy for the rest of the year! The trophy has joined our collection in the window (room 10 2013  are really good at sport!)

 We have been lucky enough to have Life Ed’ (Shelly and Harold) come to our school and teach us about peer pressure and choices you have to make during your life. We make hundreds of choices a day! But are they all good? Some of them can be encouraged by peer pressure, not all peer pressure is bad some of it can be good. Some other choices we make can really affect our health. For example drugs, drinking and smoking.

On Tuesday the 24th of September our school had our second school social. Most of our students think it was better than last terms social that was mainly because we had a new DJ.

 Kirsty and Jess

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