Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Opening Coconuts

 created by Reina

In Room 10 we have been playing a game called ‘Survival Island’ Where we have to imagine we have been washed up on shore with people in our groups, We have all named our imaginary Islands and have found out there are imaginary foods that we can eat to keep alive.
Most of us said “we’ll just eat some coconuts!” Mrs. Puke tried to tell us that it will be extremely hard to open them. We read a book about coconuts and we still said we’ll just eat them; So Mrs Puke went to the supermarket and bought a coconut for each group. Everyone went outside and discovered different ways to open their coconut. Most people made a little hole in the coconut before opening the whole thing.The purpose for this is so we could drink the coconut milk first.                             Room 10 has been having heaps of fun discovering new ‘imaginary’ creatures, finding foods and different ways to keep them sheltered on their imaginary islands.

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