Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Term 3 2022

 A lot of Term 3 work was integrated and based on Anzacs and Gallipoli - a follow-up from our EOTC in Term 2. 

In Reading, we learnt to identify and use the text features in Nonfiction texts to find information needed to complete a research inquiry on aspects of WW1. At the end of the study, we learnt to create an index  for the booklets created

Digital maps were created to show alliances in WW1, and in Writing Gallipoli 'soldiers' were created - always a key part of Room 10 Anzac studies,  to do this we looked at what life was like in NZ in 1914-15 - occupations, names, transport, etc.  An emphasis was put on adding descriptive detail to make the soldiers created as realistic as possible, and using paragraphs correctly. 

The 'soldiers' created then wrote a Diary entry from the perspective of a soldier at Gallipoli, to show an understanding of what life there was like:  

At the end of the term, the class took part in a 'getting to know you'  exchange with our epals in Tahiti and a class in Kentucky, USA. 
As it was Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori, we added Maori kupu to our charts ...

The class attend weekly lessons at Stars Teina - a programme run by the Graeme Dingle Foundation:

Stars Teina is a year 7 and 8 programme specifically created for intermediate schools. It is designed to help students make a successful transition into intermediate and secondary school. It uses an inquiry-based learning approach to explore the programme themes. Stars Teina strengthens the sense of community within a school and brings younger and older students together with a ‘buddy system’. The programme develops positive relationships by encouraging older students to role model positive behaviour. Stars Teina also builds student confidence and life-skills that can be transferred to their school and community.

In Term 3,  two of our Room 10 boys had the opportunity to go to Hamilton to see the All Blacks train. they were lucky enough to meet some of the players.