Sunday, April 2, 2017

Kahoots and Catch Phrase

Once a fortnight, after Assembly on a Friday afternoon, Room 10 do a Kahoot. These Kahoots cover the work that's been done in class and the class read aloud text.
So lately it's been all about Ride of the Katipo by Stu Duvall and Classification - Spiders and Insects.
These are pretty noisy sessions as the winners start to emerge and they also give some good information as to who has a good understanding of concepts covered and what needs some reteaching. It also shows who listens when it's reading aloud time ...

This game is good for developing oral language skills, Catch Phrase. The object is for players to get their team to guess a word or phrase by giving as many clues as possible, without actually saying the word  itself. As soon as a word is 'guessed' the playing disc must be passed to the opposition - the team holding the disc when the buzzer sounds - loses!

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